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Friday, December 6, 2013

Thing #15

Wiki....I am not a huge fan. This is equal to webmd to me. I try to not use peoples "opinions" over true facts. Even after looking into what Wiki can be used for, and how it operates, I am still not a fan. :( I don't like to say that about anything, but for me I think it would be more frustrating that useful. I don't like that anyone can edit, even if you are an owner for the particular thread, it doesn't mean someone else can't change it. I suppose you can disapprove the thread, but again it becomes more of a headache in my opinon. Some might argue it is better than a bunch of emails, but I like paper trails! I like to see what has happened versus it just being erased. I do not think I would use Wiki in the classroom. I don't use it now. I certainly would not discourage students from using it, just not for concrete evidence on topics.

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